
Dermatology Dermatology


Our Dermatology department is our specialized branch of medicine that focuses on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of the skin. Our dermatologists are medical doctors who have undergone extensive training in this field to become experts in managing a wide range of dermatological concerns.
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    Injectables, also known as facial injectables or dermal fillers, are a type of cosmetic treatment performed by our doctors to address various concerns related to facial aging and aesthetics.
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    Dermoscopy - Trychoscopy

    Dermoscopy - Trychoscopy

    Dermoscopy, also known as dermatoscopy or epiluminescence microscopy, is a non-invasive technique used in dermatology to examine skin lesions and evaluate them more closely.
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    Total Body Maping

    Total Body Maping

    Total body mapping, is a full body skin examination or mole mapping.
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    Laser Nail Fungus

    Laser Nail Fungus

    Laser nail fungus treatment, also known as laser therapy for onychomycosis, is a non-invasive procedure used to address fungal infections of the nails.
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    Miradry is a non-invasive medical procedure used to treat excessive underarm sweating, a condition known as axillary hyperhidrosis.
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    Dermatology Consultation

    Dermatology Consultation

    Our dermatology consultations are medical appointments with our dermatologists, that diagnose and treat conditions related to your skin, hair and nails.
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